Audra Lowray-Upchurch, Master Anthologist

Summit Producer
  • 6x Amazon Bestselling Author
  • 2019 Documentary Cast Member, Her Padded Truth
  • 2018 ACHI Magazine Author of the Year Award Recipient
  • 2018 IAN Book of the Year Awards Finalist
  • 2017 Documentary Cast Member, DRIVEN: The Unpaved Road to Success

Audra’s origins are humble; born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, in an extremely unstable household to a mother who suffered in silence with mental illness. As a result, she found herself homeless at the age of 15, a single mother at 17 with a straight shot down a dark path. Now here’s the good news, through prayer, a new community, and daily positive beliefs, SHE KNEW that she deserved more. Fast forward, she earned her Bachelor degree, her MBA and NOW living her best life.

Today, she is a straightforward, no-nonsense publishing consultant who helps women, with a clear vision and a market-ready story, create and produce high-level author collaborations that not only transform lives, but create unparalleled opportunities to evolve and grow in business.

Audra is a Master Anthologist with over 30 years of experience and nearly 25 successful book collaborations she has guided to publication. While Audra believes in the power of telling your story she also understands how a single story can generate wealth and create a lasting legacy. Through her world-class coaching and consulting programs, Audra has committed her life to helping women tell their stories, create results, and change the world with the power of the pen.


Markeith Braden, Digital Marketer & Personal Brand Strategist

Markeith Braden, a native of Nashville, TN is the CEO of Markeith Braden & Company, LLC a Personal Brand Consulting & Digital Marketing Agency.

Markeith’s core focus is to help entrepreneurs and corporate professionals maximize and their personal brand, so they become the “Go To” person in their industry & get paid for work they love.

Additionally, Markeith host a weekly podcast, The Markeith Braden Podcast, where he shares personal development content, interviews from successful entrepreneurs, & practical business success principles from a digital entrepreneur perspective.

It is Markeith’s personal belief, the greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose—life with the wrong priorities. Moreover, life’s greatest failure is to be successful in the wrong assignment.

Stay tuned for 2021 speaker announcements

We have a POWER PACKED Speaker Lineup for you this year.